Those interested in applying for the EPF tenders and submitting quotes must first be registered online with us before you are allowed to participate in the EPF Procurement process.

What You Need To Know

  • We would like to remind you to please ensure all required information, including supporting documents and certifications, are prepared in order to complete the registration. Please refer to the tutorial video provided to get full guide regarding registration as supplier of EPF.
  • Once you have registered, your business information can be viewed by the EPF and buyer to understand the background and scope of services offered. We will then put it to good use to find the right suitability between supplier and procurement listing when there is a procurement opportunity.

Procurement Supplier Accordion

Stage 1 - Supplier's Account

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New Ariba users

Click ‘Register Now’ to register as an EPF supplier in the Ariba Network system.


Current EPF's Ariba users

Open browser 'Google Chrome or Internet Explorer' and search :

Log in using current username and password (After successful account creation).


Existing Ariba users

Click ‘Login’ to log in and connect your account to EPF’s Ariba Network account.

Stage 2 - EPF Survey Form

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Step 1

Complete your registration as an EPF supplier by completing the EPF survey form.

Step 2

Submit the survey form for EPF’s approval.

Step 3

Wait for your email notification once your application has been approved by the EPF.

Interested in doing business with the EPF?

Video Tutorials

Let our videos lead the way

Procurement Supplier (Video) Accordion

Who Can Apply

Asset Publisher

Death Benefit
Subject to EPF terms and conditions.
Tax Exemption
Subject to IRB terms and conditions.
Annual Dividend
Enjoy annual dividends on top of your retirement savings.
Special Incentive
Up to 15% of total contribution or max RM300 this year.