1. According to Section 50(2B) of the EPF Act 1991, EPF members are eligible to contribute until they reach the age of seventy-five (75) years old.
  2. For members who are Malaysian citizens, Malaysian permanent residents or non-citizens who registered as EPF members before 1st August 1998:  If the member has reached the age of seventy-five (75) years old and has yet to fully withdraw their EPF savings, dividends will still be credited to their account until they reach the age of one hundred (100) years old based on their date of birth in EPF’s records. Once the member has reached the age of one hundred (100) years old and no withdrawal application has been made by the member’s or their next-of-kin, the savings shall be transferred in its entirety to the Unclaimed Money Management Division (BWTD), Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia , as stipulated under Section 51A of the EPF Act 1991.
  3. For any claims after the transfer, the member or their next-of-kin will have to liaise directly with BWTD.
  4. Members who are seventy-five (75) years old and above may check if they have any savings with the EPF that have yet to be withdrawn, by the search function below:
  1. For non-Malaysian citizens who registered as EPF members on/after 1st August 1998: If no contribution has been credited to the member's account after a period of three years since the date of the last contribution, dividend shall cease to be credited to their account and the member's EPF savings shall be transferred to Unclaimed Money Management Division (BWTD), Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia, as stipulated under Section 70H, EPF Act 1991.
  2. Members or their next-of-kin are advised to make a withdrawal (subject to EPF terms and conditions) before the transfer to BWTD takes effect; For any claims after the transfer, the member or their next-of-kin will have to liaise directly with BWTD.
  3. Members can check their account status or contribution history via their i-Akaun (Member) or visit any EPF Office to inquire their members' statements.


Unclaimed Savings Information Search

Unclaimed Payment
