Dividend Earnings
We offer annual dividend returns of approximately 3% to 4%, with the possibility of even higher returns. Additionally, the minimum dividend rate is 2.50% for Simpanan Konvensional. With these rates, your savings will be shielded from inflation and have steady growth over time.
Read more on EPF dividends
EPF acknowledges members' diverse financial goals and beliefs, providing a choice between syariah-compliant (Simpanan Shariah) and conventional savings (Simpanan Konvensional). With Simpanan Shariah, income derives solely from EPF's Shariah-compliant investments, while Simpanan Konvensional includes a mix of both Shariah and non-Shariah compliant investments.
This flexibility enables members to align their investments with personal values and financial objectives, ensuring a tailored approach to wealth accumulation while upholding ethical and religious principles.
Click here to explore further details about Simpanan Shariah and Simpanan Konvensional
Tax Relief
Your savings in EPF are tax deductible up to a maximum amount of RM4,000 per year, subject to periodic amendments by the government (excluding exemptions for life insurance premium payments). In addition, dividend earnings from EPF investments are also tax-exempt.
What’s more, the EPF aims to support members in improving their financial literacy and understanding sustainable retirement options to enhance their retirement savings. Through the Relationship & Advisory Service (RA), which is provided at no cost to members, you can receive assistance in comprehending your financial goals, assessing current savings, and developing strategies for a secure retirement.
Ultimately, the EPF stands out as a reliable and advantageous option for individuals planning their retirement. By making EPF a core component of your retirement savings plan, you can harness its offerings to optimise your financial security in retirement. Start saving with EPF today and pave the way for a comfortable and worry-free retirement journey.