Date: 26 May 2024
EPF Announces Best External Fund Managers For 2023
  • RM189 billion outsourced to fund managers as at 31 December 2023


KWASA DAMANSARA, 26 May 2024: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) announced 11 winners at the EPF External Fund Managers Awards 2023 in recognition of the EPF’s panel of external fund managers’ outstanding performance in their respective mandates that are assessed based on sets of quantitative metrics.

As at 31 December 2023, a total of RM189 billion had been outsourced to external fund managers to be invested in equity and fixed income instruments, representing 17% of the EPF’s total investment assets.  

EPF Chairman Tan Sri Ahmad Badri Mohd Zahir said, “The EPF’s panel of external fund managers delivered commendable results last year with a record total income of approximately 22% of the overall income despite facing uncertain and challenging markets. The total funds under management by external equity and fixed income managers have nearly tripled to RM189 billion from five years ago.”    

For the financial year ended 2023, the EPF delivered a dividend rate of 5.50% with a payout of RM50.33 billion for Simpanan Konvensional; and 5.40% with a payout of RM7.48 billion for Simpanan Shariah. Cumulatively, the total payout for 2023 was RM57.81 billion. This achievement, Tan Sri Ahmad Badri added, was also attributed to the fund managers’ diversification into different asset classes, markets and currencies that had helped the EPF to maintain resilience against market volatilities and safeguard its investment returns. 

As at December 2023, the size of the EPF’s investment assets stood at RM1.14 trillion, firmly positioning the EPF as one of the top 10 largest sovereign pension funds in the world. In the coming years, the EPF will continue to explore new strategies and partner with leading domestic and global fund managers to deliver optimised returns.

“In addition to maximising its portfolio-level risk-adjusted returns, the EPF also seeks to empower all its investee companies and external fund managers to deliver positive societal and environmental impacts. Their demonstrated dedication to creating lasting values has contributed to the success of the EPF in delivering sustainable returns as the EPF protects members’ retirement well-being,” added Tan Sri Ahmad Badri.

The list of winners for the EPF External Fund Managers Awards 2023 is as per Appendix 1.

Issued by the EPF Media Desk 
Corporate Affairs Department
26 May 2024

About the Employees Provident Fund (EPF)

The Employees Provident Fund® (EPF®) is Malaysia’s premier retirement savings fund, helping its members achieve adequate savings for a comfortable retirement. This is in line with EPF’s vision to help members achieve a better future and its mission to safeguard members’ savings and deliver excellent services. The EPF has evolved significantly from a transaction-centric to a professional fund management organisation with a strong focus on retirement security. The EPF is guided by a robust and professional governance framework when making investment decisions. It continues to play a catalytic role in the nation’s economic growth and seeks to cultivate a savings and investment culture among its members to improve the country’s financial literacy level.