EPF Launches i-Sayang Enabling Husbands To Contribute 2% To Wives EPF Account

KWASA DAMANSARA, 8 March 2023: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM), announces i-Sayang, a facility to enable husbands to voluntarily transfer two (2) per cent of their EPF monthly contributions to their wives account for their future income wellbeing.
YAB Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim launched i-Sayang at the International Women’s Day 2023 celebration held at Dewan Perdana Felda, Kuala Lumpur, attended by Minister of KPWKM YB Dato’ Sri Nancy Shukri, EPF Chairman Tan Sri Ahmad Badri Mohd Zahir, and EPF Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan.
EPF Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan said, “The i-Sayang facility is part of EPF’s ongoing efforts to further expand the social protection net to family institutions and encourage more Malaysians, who are not covered by any formal social protection scheme, to save for their retirement future.
“By enabling husbands to voluntarily contribute two per cent of their EPF monthly contribution, they would provide the opportunity for their wives to have long-term savings in addition to gaining access to the quality social security and income security currently enjoyed by EPF members.”
About 2.4 million housewives in the country are not in any employment or are outside the labour force, hence are not covered by any form of social protection, leaving them more vulnerable to adversities or financial shocks.
The i-Sayang initiative is in line with the Government’s commitment to empowering rights and
taking care of women’s welfare, in addition to applying family values in line with the concept of Malaysia MADANI, which is based on the characteristics of inclusion, togetherness and gratitude.
Applications for i-Sayang can be made online through EPF i-Akaun (Member) or at any EPF counters nationwide.
Further information on i-Sayang can be obtained from here, or call the EPF Contact Management Centre at 03-8922 6000.
Issued by the EPF Media Desk
Corporate Affairs Department
8 March 202
About the Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
The Employees Provident Fund® (“EPF®”) is one of the oldest retirement funds in the world. Established in 1951, the EPF® is a social-security organisation focused on safeguarding member savings and delivering excellent services. In recent years, in line with its vision of helping members achieve a better future, the EPF® has expanded its role to encompass the creation of a comprehensive social well-being ecosystem. Today, the EPF® remains steadfast in its commitment to members through consistent efforts to update and improve itself, in order to build the foundation for sustainable, holistic and equitable well-being for all Malaysians.